Welcome To The SME Alliance Bulletin

Hi all,

This is our new, no frills, bulletin board. We need it because it’s annoying when we need to get a message up quickly and our IT support (Laura) is not available.

So this site (which is a blog site and very easy to use) will be used to do daily updates from anyone who wants to give us some news. Just send an e-mail before 5.00pm any day of the week and it will be posted (baring days we have a meeting or a Court case).

We also have a calender (not retrospective so I can’t put up anything about the last meeting in Birmingham). But it will be very good, not only for meetings but also for members court cases. For example, 13th February there is a case in the Rolls Building, Fetter Lane for Elliot Green (Liquidator) v two directors of Corporate Jet Realisations which is connected to the HBOS ReadingĀ  case. This is of particular interest to Paul and I but the conduct of the directors in this case could and should be of interest to many others.

Therefore, if anyone has updates about their own cases or any cases they think members would be interested in, please send details so we can put them in the diary.

Any news – NOT JUST BANKS! can be posted. For example Davie Booth and his wife had a baby last week! All good news like that greatly appreciated.

As I said, no frills but a good communication tool that will make it much easier to share news on a daily basis and sometimes more than once a day.